Monday, June 9, 2014

Mark Laaser Seminar

We had a wonderful day of learning and fellowship at the Mark Laaser seminar on May 22. A big thanks to Mark Laaser for taking the time to come and teach us more about how to best approach situations when friends, co-workers, loved ones, or students are dealing with a pornography addiction.

Some of the members of the Sexual Wholeness Task Force and Mark Laaser

For resources for parents, teachers, pastors or counselors who know someone is struggling, or if you yourself are struggling, check out the ATLAS website:!wholeness-task-force/cpe7


If you would like to speak to someone or talk in person about an addiction or someone you know who is struggling, please call the ATLAS office at 712-737-4090, all calls are confidential.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What is the Sexual Wholeness Task Force?

A Group of people from Sioux County has come together to form the Task Force for Sexual Wholeness. The goals of this group are to raise awareness about the issues of pornography as well as to provide support and resources. The task force consists of Kurt VanNoord, Jason Monaghan, Bob DeBoer, Roger Broek, Aaron Baart, Kyle Achterhoff, Chris Godfredsen, Dale Ellens and Nathan Stob. Some resources are listed below, also feel free to contact ATLAS Orange City Area for more resources or information.

Statistics on Pornography Addiction

·         Approximately one third of youth internet users have been exposed

·         Approximately 40 million people in the United States are sexually involved with the Internet

·         “The Journal of the American Psychological Association reported 86% of men are likely to click on Internet sex sites if given the opportunity. Almost 9 out of 10 men.”

·         The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reports that "56% of divorce cases involve one party having “an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.”"